The Power of Games

Most, if not all, people picture their future selves somewhere and start setting their goals accordingly to reach that ultimate place. And I’ve pictured mine! I’ll make games! And no, I don’t mean mobile games. Mobile games might be more popular, but I consider it a phase in my life. I mean the big games! YEA the bigger they get the better! Ever since I’ve decided to become a game developer, nearly everyone had a common reaction about the way I saw myself and my future. Varying from the “It has no future in Egypt” talks to “You are ruining your career” ones, there was that one common question that I have been asked. “Why?” Games are commonly deemed unimportant; ridiculous waste of valuable time and money that you’ll surely regret wasting. On the other hand, it’s acceptable to waste your time and money on movies and football matches. …. So isn’t that just a new type of racism?! Against games?! Artists work their hardest to express themselves through p...