Keys to Success Development Diary - Log #2

Support Keys To Success on Steam Greenlight! Does the game inspire the creator? Or is the game inspired by the creator? I suppose the logical answer is: “Of course the game is inspired by the creator! Without the creator, you know.. there will be no game!” Well, technically true. I can’t argue with that. But can’t it work the other way around as well? Have you ever thought of that? But I believe that in both cases, it affects powerfully the way the game is shaped in the end. If a game inspires you, it’ll bring out the best in you. You’ll find yourself working on it creatively, with so much hunger for work. Largely it depends on the way you’re adding to it and trying to make it grow. If it stops inspiring you, then you’re doing it wrong. Stop, backtrack to where that started and start again. This sums up the core of the game design process in my opinion. For Keys to Success (K2S for short), the backtracking showed me that a story is a necessity. The game d...